so, the day after the air france flight missed the runway and crashed into a ball of flames next to the 401, i left for england! my first trip to europe! and to see emma who got married on the 6th!the wedding was fantastic! it couldn't have gone better! it was held at the marylebone registry office and was facilitated by a hilarious female registrar who put everyone at ease!
the reception was even better! i got to see helen, whom i haven't seen in YEARS. we chatted all night and it was just like old times! i have missed her. helen's husband neill is an absolute party and i'm glad i finally got to meet him.

the food was good and mark (emma's new husband) made sure there was enough alcohol on hand for the entire population of britain. i'm pretty sure the ratio was a bottle of wine, a case of beer, and a 26er for every one guest. needless to say, it was most enjoyable. emma's friend's jen and bill also made the trip. helen, neill, jen, bill, and i really enjoyed ourselves on the dance floor.
on the monday after the wedding, mark took emma and i to oxford. wow! what a beautiful city! so old and so striking! there were people everywhere! and due to the university and it's hundred odd colleges, it's an active place with lots of people my age. i could definitely handle living there!

on tuesday, i toured london via the tube on my own. i was fortunate to see westminister abbey, the houses of parliament, big ben, buckingham palace, st. james park, trafalgar square, etc.etc.etc. there was a heavy police presence, which normally wouldn't bother me, however, i am also not used to seeing police carrying around automatic machine guns.

emma and i then took a coach tour to stonehenge and bath. the history of stonehenge is fascinating. they have learned how it was built, but to this day they don't know why. the roman baths were quite interesting too although i found the green, algea water a little nasty to drink/bath in. 

emma and i also went shopping amonsgt covenent gardens and went for a walk through the theatre district before heading off to our ghost walk - lead by london walks. it was done at night and was very eerie. every stop had a story and a history.

emma and i went south of the thames to a fabulous street market which happened to be right by where bridget jones lived in her movie. we had to-die-for pecan tarts! yum! i then went to the tate modern and spent a couple of hours admiring the paintings, installations, and sculptures.
the 8 hour flight home was dreadful. while the flight itself was fine, i was surrounded by screaming children and negligent parents. unfortunately, i couldn't change seats because the plan was full so i hung out in the back with jen and bill.
seems like a short summary for 11 days but i'm just exhausted! it was a great trip and i am so thankful to emma and mark for being such great hosts! i am keeping my fingers crossed that they move back to canada soon!
sad news: another one of the puppies died. the little guy just wasn't strong enough. it appears as though the other 4 are healthy.